It's almost dusk here now and the week will soon be over. And even before the weekend is over, the official work would start in the form of calls and discussions with my counterparts in India. Quite an event-less weekend this was. I whiled away most of my time with some meaningless surfing on the web. At other times I had the usual household chores to attend to and then spent an hour studying. Spoke to a few friends over the phone and chat and spoke to the Family. But then, most of my weekends are spent pretty much the same way.
The week was surprisingly better though. Besides the routine affair of work, a couple of good news came my way. This got me planning for the year ahead. So, some of my weekend time was also spent with some reasonable thoughts going in that direction. I am tempted time and again to put all my faith on fate to take me towards what I'd like to call a successful career. So much for wishful thinking. I guess I need to do more than just rely on fate for the kind of success I yearn for. It's been really long since I have worked hard enough - toiled like the way we did before our exams. The fear of the sword hanging up there sure does bring out the best in you.
The rest was all the usual that happens in a normal home-office-home routine. Getting plenty of sleep these days owing to the lazy ass that I have become. Skipped the treadmill runs for 3 days. That puts me back by 19 miles in my goal for the month and a couple of pounds (I hope not). But I collected a few good foot-tapping tracks I need for the work-out. Ate good food. Browsing the web was not that meaningless as it turned out - I prepared this surprisingly good spinach almond shake the other day. For a change, got rave reviews for something edible I prepared. This one's easily made and healthy too. No added sugars. Try it if you can. Went for X-Men: First Class and liked it. This was surprisingly much better than the previous one in the X-Men series. Also learned that the Wolverine DVD that I ended up watching was actually a leaked workprint of the movie. And all this while I was wondering why were the effects this crappy in the movie! It definitely took the fun out of watching the movie. Also need to catch up with the other movies I have missed out these past few weeks - Fast 5, Hangover 2; and waiting for Delhi Belly. And yup, I ate up that smiley faced orange sitting on my desk.
That sums up my past week. Dinner invitation is at a friend's place. So that's one less thing to do at home tonight. I'd settle down now with some music. By the way, this MTV coke studio music thingy is good. A refreshing and a welcome change from the usual Bollywood numbers. Listen in to it.

The rest was all the usual that happens in a normal home-office-home routine. Getting plenty of sleep these days owing to the lazy ass that I have become. Skipped the treadmill runs for 3 days. That puts me back by 19 miles in my goal for the month and a couple of pounds (I hope not). But I collected a few good foot-tapping tracks I need for the work-out. Ate good food. Browsing the web was not that meaningless as it turned out - I prepared this surprisingly good spinach almond shake the other day. For a change, got rave reviews for something edible I prepared. This one's easily made and healthy too. No added sugars. Try it if you can. Went for X-Men: First Class and liked it. This was surprisingly much better than the previous one in the X-Men series. Also learned that the Wolverine DVD that I ended up watching was actually a leaked workprint of the movie. And all this while I was wondering why were the effects this crappy in the movie! It definitely took the fun out of watching the movie. Also need to catch up with the other movies I have missed out these past few weeks - Fast 5, Hangover 2; and waiting for Delhi Belly. And yup, I ate up that smiley faced orange sitting on my desk.
That sums up my past week. Dinner invitation is at a friend's place. So that's one less thing to do at home tonight. I'd settle down now with some music. By the way, this MTV coke studio music thingy is good. A refreshing and a welcome change from the usual Bollywood numbers. Listen in to it.
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